Cadiz Asia Fund

This fund is not available for sale to the public in South Africa

Fund information

Investment objective:

Investment objective: The aim of the Cell is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing in a portfolio of securities in companies either listed and/or domiciled in North America, or established outside of North America but carrying out a significant portion of their business activities in North America. The assets of the Cell shall consist of listed securities and units or participatory interests in Collective Investment Schemes. The Cell shall not hold direct interests in physical property or commodities.

Investment strategy:

The Cell intends to achieve its investment objective by investing solely, apart from assets in liquid form (cash or cash equivalents that can be liquidated within seven days without realising a loss on liquidation), in securities listed on recognised stock exchanges and participatory interests in Collective Investment Vehicles investing in securities, fixed income instruments, property shares, property related securities, non-equity securities and money market instruments.

Distribution policy

The Directors do not anticipate that the stated investment strategy of the Cell will generate net income and, as a result, there is no expectation that the Cell will distribute any income to Shareholders. However, should the occasion arise the Directors have sole discretion in the decision to effect any distribution to Shareholders.

Subscription and redemption information:

Valuation Point: 5pm Guernsey time on each Business Day, or such other time, day or days as the Directors may determine from time to time

Investment Dealing Day: Each Business Day, or such other day or days as the Directors may determine from time to time

For further details, please request the Cells scheme particulars.